Utillian 722 vs Mighty – Convection Showdown

Updated: October 6, 2023
The Mighty Vapourizer has been the king of convection vapourizing since its inception, and you would be hard pressed to find a competitor that performs at the same level. Utillian counters this argument with the 722, the world’s most budget friendly convection device. These two fan favourites are doing battle in a head to head competition for all the marbles, read on to learn more!

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Utillian 722 vs Mighty

Mighty mouth pieceVapour Quality

The Mighty has been the king of convection vapour for a number of years and will have a hard time being unseated. With the cooling unit in the mouthpiece, a long vapour path and that *chef’s kiss* German engineering the vapour on the Mighty is delectable. The bowl of the Mighty does give off some heat, so technically the Mighty will give you hybrid heating, which adds to the potency and clouds that are produced. The Mighty features precise temperature control so you can customize your vapour well. What I will say about the Mighty vapour is it is phenomenally consistent. If you’re looking for a sit down session or a group session, the Mighty has got you covered.

The Utillian 722 can pump. Out. clouds. The flavour is fantastic and the hits are potent. The 722 has wide open airflow that can’t be matched by the Mighty. In terms of vapour quality, the 722 is just outstripped by the Mighty, but barely. However, it can deliver some mouthwatering, tasty rips, to be sure, and for a fraction of the price. And the boost mode – press and hold to quickly ramp up to the top temperature of 225C – is a nice touch

If you want to bring up the vapour quality of either of these devices, I would highly recommend checking out the ZEUS Iceborn. But this one is won by the Mighty.

Crafty+ vs. Utillian 722 front display

Manufacturing Quality

The Mighty is built solidly, with a lot of thought going into the device. It is reliable and sturdy, and gets the job done. It can also withstand a couple drops. However, from a completely aesthetic viewpoint, the Mighty is built well, but at the end of the day, still has a plastic shell. I know the plastic is medical grade BUT the fact remains that I can still see the plastic. If I’m paying $400 for a device, I would rather have it look high tech. Of course, things like the cooling unit in the mouthpiece and the built in tool are nice touches, but I can’t get over the plastic thing if I’m honest.

The Utillian 722, in my humble opinion, is much classier looking. Built sturdily, with a sprayed aluminum finish and a wide open mouthpiece, and available in two sexy colours, there is a lot to love about the construction of this guy. The magnetic mouthpiece is great, it is built solidly, and the sleek, stylish design draws the eye. It is simple, sturdy, solid, and portable. Not to mention a higher top temperature and a shell that can stand a couple drops.

It’s not as compact as something like the Utillian 421, but hey, with great power comes great vapour.

This category goes to the Utillian 722.

Mighty usb slot

Battery Life

The Mighty usually lasts me about 80 – 90 minutes before needing a recharge (after that 2018 battery update). The Utillian 722 has a 2300mah internal battery that will last an hour of continuous vaping.

Neither of them quite match the huge 3500mah battery of the ZEUS Arc GTS Hub.

With the added size of the Mighty comes slightly better battery life. This category goes to the Mighty.

Utillian 722 vs Arizer Air 2 with armor case


Both devices are portable, sure, but the Mighty and it’s bulky size are a little too big to fit in your pocket easily. The Utillian 722 is arguably the more portable one, as you don’t have to worry about bulk and it will easily slip into your pocket. The durable shell will ensure you don’t do any damage to it while in transit. 

This category goes to the Utillian 722.

Crafty+ vs. Utillian 722 in hand

Ease of Use

The Mighty is super easy to use, with precise temperature control simply drop your herb in, select a temperature and it will begin to heat up. The only thing that trips me up is the space between the bowl and the sides of the device, as herb can easily be left stranded in between. This can be rectififed however with the use of Mighty dosing capsules to make loading and cleanup a bit easier.

Cleaning is straightforward, with the bowl the only thing you really need to worry about. (Not finished sentence?), cleaning the Mighty air pathway is a pain in the ass. 

The 722 is simple to use. Drop your herb in, 5 taps to turn it on, choose your temperature with a quick double click, and then it will automatically begin to heat up.

The only parts you’ll need to clean are the screen at the top of the bowl and the bowl itself and (mouthpiece). The whole thing takes about 10 minutes – then let it dry and you’re back, ready to vapourize. 

Because of cleaning, we are going to give the edge to the Utillian 722.


On the whole, convection devices are less discreet than conduction, as the device needs more room to be able to heat the air that passes over your herbs. If you’re looking for the ultimate discreet device, check out the LITL 1

But really, in terms of discreetness, it comes down to size. The Mighty is on the larger side of portable devices, and is not very discreet when it comes to low key vaping. 

The 722 can fit in your hand and be almost completely concealed during a session when you’re out and about.

This one goes to the 722.

Mighty power control

Temperature Flexibility

Comparing these two devices is like comparing apples to oranges. The Mighty has precise temperature control up to 210C, but the 722 has 4 preset temperatures (180°C, 190°C, 200°C, 210°C) and a top temperature of 225C.

The 722 is easier to use for a beginner and has a higher top temperature, but the Mighty has more flexibility. And what I will say as well, is the Utillian 722’s top temperature of 225C will not melt your throat – in fact it’s quite pleasant, if a touch warm.

This category goes to the Mighty solely because it is more flexible with the digital display. But those who prefer bigger clouds and fuller extraction will find a ton of benefits with the Utillian 722’s boost mode. 

Crafty+ vs. Utillian 722 winner

Overall Experience

Another competition that basically comes down to price and exactly what you want. I hope I gave you enough information to make an informed decision.

But if you want bang for your buck, and an easy to use cloud pumping machine, pick up the Utillian 722 for a fraction of the cost. Sure the Mighty may offer slightly better vapour quality, but it’s not a massive difference, certainly not double the quality as is the price. 

Just for reference, the Mighty comes in at $400 USD and the 722 at half the price -  $200 USD. What I will say is you can’t really go wrong with either of these devices, as they both produce delicious vapour with some big ole clouds that won’t disappoint. 

You can pick either of these 2 awesome portable vapourizers directly from our store. If you’d like to see another comparison, check out our recent showdown between the Zeus Arc vs Pax and to see how these 2 units stack up against the field, be sure to check out our Portable Vaporizer Ranking Chart.


About Author

Avatar for Alex Karakatsanis

Alex is a herb enthusiast, long time vaporizer lover, writer and filmmaker. He is also a board and video game nerd with a penchant for hosting a weekly board game night. Partygoers have been heard saying things like “is anyone else going to show up?” and “I don’t think I can make it next week”. He strives to make people laugh at every opportunity and sees herbs as a helpful tool in doing so.

The reviews and ratings are based on personal and decade-plus of industry experience. Such content is based on the opinion of the Editor/Author. They are solely provided as a basis for research and should be used only as guidance. We encourage thorough research by all visitors to attain the most objective viewpoint before purchasing.