Arizer Solo 3 Review: The Newest and Best Dry Herb Vaporizer made by Arizer?

Updated: April 26, 2024

The wait is over! Arizer finally launched its most awaited portable vaporizer, the Arizer Solo 3. Arizer is a Canadian company that has been popular for making high-quality vapourizers since 2005. The Arizer Solo 3 promises to continue the legacy of its predecessors, known for their reliability and top-notch vapour quality.

The new Solo 3 is designed to be easy to use and has some new features that should be helpful for everyone, whether you’re new to vaping or have been doing it for a while.

Come with me as I investigate the Arizer Solo 3 and determine whether it’s the right vapourizer for you. To learn more about the latest vapourizers and compare them to popular models, visit our best portable vaporizers ranking page.

So, without further ado, let’s begin our Arizer Solo 3 review. I’ll give you a full review that includes how easy the Solo 3 is to use, the quality of its vapour, and how you can adjust the temperature to get it just right.

Arizer Solo 3 Review

How Arizer Solo 3 Works

How it works

The Arizer Solo 3 is a testament to how far portable vapourizers have come since their inception. It retains the familiar digital display and multi-button interface from the Solo 2 but introduces some nifty upgrades. The display now boasts a lock feature that ensures safety and prevents accidental activation. The temperature is really big on the screen now, so it’s super easy to see.

Let’s see how Arizer Solo 3 works:

Step 1: Get your herb ready. You don’t even need to grind it up. Just take a couple of small buds or a piece that fits into the glass tube.
Step 2: Load the Glass Aroma Tube. Scoop your herb directly with the tube or just drop the buds in.
Step 3: Power up the Solo 3. Flip it upside down and insert the tube filled with herbs. Then, press and hold the center button until you see three dots. Let go and press a few more buttons as instructed in the manual—it’s like a secret code to unlock it.
Step 4: Set your temperature. Hit the center button again, choose your heat level with the arrows, and then hit the center button one more time to start heating.
Step 5: Wait for it to heat up. Watch the progress bar fill up, and when it’s ready, you’re all set to vape.
Step 6: Enjoy your vape. Take a slow, steady inhale and savor the vapour.

Vapor Quality of Arizer Solo 3

Vapour Quality

The vapour quality of the Arizer Solo 3 is really impressive. Compared to its previous models, the Solo 2 Max and the Air Max, the Solo 3 has better airflow, making it the most powerful unit Arizer has released so far. It may not be as good as a pure convection unit like the Utillian 723, but it’s a significant improvement from the older models.

The amazing vapour quality of the Solo 3 can be partly attributed to the new and improved Hybrid Heating chamber. It can hold almost twice as much herb as other portable Arizer devices, which means you can vapourize more at once. This not only produces more vapour but also makes your session last longer. The drawback is that it uses up the battery faster, but if you value dense vapour and longer sessions, it’s worth it.

Arizer’s dedication to using high-quality materials is evident in Solo 3. Instead of using silicone and plastics in the vapour path, they have chosen glass, ceramic, and metals, which enhances the flavour of the vapour, especially when you’re using high-quality herbs with lots of terpenes.

Manufacturing Quality of Arizer Solo 3

Manufacturing Quality

The Arizer Solo 3 is a well-built vapourizer that demonstrates the company’s commitment to quality and durability. Its strong construction makes it feel solid and sturdy when held. The Solo 3 is larger than the Solo 2 series. Arizer is known for its excellent mechanical engineering, and the Solo 3 is the result of years of improvements. It comes with a larger glass stem (XL Frosted Glass Aroma Tube) that allows you to use more Dry Herbs. The design of the XL glass tube has been optimized with five holes at the center bottom to improve airflow, which is important when using a larger amount of herbs.

The Arizer Solo 3 has an upgraded operating system with a colorful display. This makes seeing and adjusting settings easier, enhancing the overall user experience. Overall, if you’re looking for a long-lasting vapourizer that delivers a great experience, the Arizer Solo 3 is definitely worth considering.

Temperature Flexibility of Arizer Solo 3

Temperature Flexibility

The Solo 3 lets you tweak the temperature in small steps of 1 or 10 degrees, or you can use one of the three presets to change the temperature quickly and easily. The total range of the temperature is quite wide: 180°C to 220°Celsius or 356 to 428 Fahrenheit. 

Most experienced users will appreciate the fact that you can fine-tune it like you’re setting up a hot tub, making tiny adjustments. Even though, in my experience, I felt it to be hotter than the display shows, it doesn’t mess with your experience. You can still get excellent vapour at lower temperatures if you’re focusing on flavour. If you want a thicker vapour experience, go up the temp, but remember that the taste will decline the higher up you go.

So, if you’re all about that perfect hit, the Solo 3 has got you covered with its flexibility and precision. It’s like finding an extra treat in your order—it’s already good, but this makes it even better. Try it out with a water bubbler and see if it takes things to the next level for you!

Arizer Solo 3 Dry Herb Vaporizer with bubbler

Portability of Arizer Solo 3


When it comes to taking your vapourizer on the go, the Arizer Solo 3 might not be your first pick. It’s a bit like the Solo and Solo 2—great devices, but not exactly pocket-friendly because of the glass stem and overall size. If you’re heading over to a friend’s place, you’ll need to pack it in a case to keep it safe. But for outdoor adventures? It’s not the best choice.

The Solo 3 is more of a stay-at-home kind of vapourizer. It’s perfect for relaxing at home and getting the most out of your herbs. But if you’re looking for something to use both at home and out, you might want to pair it with a more portable device. While it’s not the most portable unit out there, it doesn’t seem like it was made to be that by any means. The People at Arizer did a great job at making this unit powerful and focused on quality vapour. Some manufacturers choose to make units that focus on convenience and portability like the Zeus Arc GT3 but at the end of the day, it’s up to the user’s specific preference. 

In terms of being discreet, the Solo 3 isn’t going to win any awards. It’s pretty big, and the glass stem, while nice for watching the vapour, can get dirty after a few uses. Some folks might prefer tinted glass for a cleaner look, but either way, you’ll know when it’s time for a clean.

So, if you’re mostly vaping at home and want a device that’s all about vapour quality, the Solo 3 is a great choice. Just remember, it’s not the kind of vapourizer you’d slip into your pocket on your way out the door.

Arizer Solo 3 in a bag

Battery Life Arizer Solo 3

Battery Life

The Arizer Solo 3’s battery life is a standout feature, boasting enough power to keep you vaping without frequent charges. The device maintains its stamina even with a heating chamber double the size of its predecessors, which is quite an achievement. It has a bigger battery than the Utillian 723, which is also quite the feat.

With USB-C charging, the Solo 3 keeps up with modern convenience, allowing for quick and easy power-ups. Plus, the pass-through charging feature means you can vape even while it’s plugged in—no more waiting around for a full charge.

Arizer promises up to 3 hours of continuous use in session mode and over 100 on-demand draws per charge. While these numbers are impressive, they’re most achievable at lower temperature settings. But even with more intense use, the Solo 3’s battery life doesn’t disappoint, making it a reliable choice for home use where power and performance are key.

How easy is to use Arizer Solo 3

Ease of Use

Getting used to the Solo 3 takes a bit of reading up, but once you’ve got it, it’s easy. The interface can be a bit clunky, and it might take you longer than you’d like to get things started. This is where rivals like the Utillian 621 shine since they produce equally as good vapour in terms of quality but are simpler units overall to use.

On the plus side, the Solo 3 has something that the 621 does not, 2 different modes. The first mode is On-Demand mode with 5 different heat levels ranging from 180°C to 220°Celsius or 356 to 428 Fahrenheit. And, with SessionMode, you can get into the zone and unlock all the flavours and terpenes from your herbs. 

Cleaning is also decently easy. The glass parts? Just drop them in some rubbing alcohol. For the rest, you won’t have to do much. You’ll need a place to dump the used stuff, a tool to clean out the chamber (which they give you), and your herbs. It’s not built into the vape, so keep it handy. If you want more information on how to clean a vaporizer, you can check out our guide, which will give you a good idea of how to clean the different parts.

So, yeah, the Solo 3 is pretty solid. If you liked the Solo 2 and have some extra cash, the Solo 3 is a nice step up. It’s like Solo 2 but with a bit more oomph. And if you’re new to Arizer, the Solo 3 is a good place to start. It’s not the cheapest, but it’s not crazy expensive either.

Comparison Arizer Solo 2 vs Arizer solo 3 Dry Herb Vaporizers

Overall Experience of using Arizer Solo 3

Overall Experience

After spending some quality time with the Arizer Solo 3, I’ve come to appreciate its quirks and features. It’s like meeting someone new; you’re not sure what to expect at first, but as you get to know them, you discover their unique traits that make them special.

Initially, I was taken aback by this Dry Herb Vaporizers startup sequence. It felt like I was entering a cheat code on a vintage video game console, which was amusing yet slightly head-scratching. However, the process became second nature once I got the hang of it. It’s a small price to pay for the level of customization and safety features it offers.

However, it’s worth mentioning that the Solo 3 isn’t the most portable option out there. For those times when I’m on the move, I find myself turning to the Utillian 723 for quality vapour but the Solo 3 surprised me for the better. But when I’m at home, the Solo 3 is unparalleled in providing a relaxed and immersive session. It’s the ideal device for the majority of users who, like me, prefer to vape in the comfort of their own space.

In conclusion, the Arizer Solo 3 is a worthy investment for anyone looking to elevate their vaping experience. It’s akin to opting for the latest smartphone model – you’re paying for the enhancements that make a noticeable difference. If you’re curious about how the Solo 3 stacks up against other devices, check out our best portable vaporizer page, where we compare your favourite vapourizers based on performance, price, and features.

And that’s all for this review. I really hope you found it useful and as always, Keep Vapin!

Score 9.3 Awesome


  • +

    High-quality glass, ceramic, and metals are used in the vapour path.

  • +

    Long battery life that lasts for up to 3 hours

  • +

    Despite a slight learning curve, it's straightforward to use once you get the hang of it.

  • +

    Session and On-Demand Mode.

  • +

    Hybrid heating chamber with XL glass tube to hold more herbs.

  • +

    Better airflow compared to previous versions.


  • -

    Due to its size and glass stem, it's not the most travel-friendly option.

  • -

    The startup sequence can be complicated for new users.

  • 9.3


About Author

Avatar for Arannyk Monon Oliver

Arannyk blends a deep passion for vaporizers with unmatched SEO writing finesse. Always on top of the latest vaping trends, his articles are a treasure trove of insights – from the coolest gadgets to the science and best practices behind vaping. With a keen eye for SEO, Arannyk ensures that his insights reach vapers far and wide, making him a favorite in the vaping community. Away from his desk, Arannyk is a devoted dad, always seeking new adventures with his kids. Whether it's a travel escapade or a community cricket match, his zest for life is contagious. Friendly and approachable, Arannyk is not just an industry expert – he's a community mainstay who loves to connect and share.

The reviews and ratings draw from personal insights and over a decade of industry experience. They reflect the views of the Editor/Author and serve as a foundation for research. However, they should be used merely as a guide. We urge all visitors to conduct comprehensive research to achieve the most unbiased perspective before making a purchase.